Monday, December 29, 2014

Do Opinions Matter?

What's on my mind well do opinions matter?

Well everybody seem to have one for instance if your sick they either asking or telling you what you should do to make you better,  things you need to do to make your life better.   How can people throw stones without checking themselves first? I'm glad that I don't look for the approval of other to validate my life.  If they don't like me or what I stand for so what that's just life.

What do you do when people give their opinion about someone else in front of you that makes you feel uncomfortable?
Do you run and tell the people their talking about or tell other people and hope it get to the right person or just do nothing.  Well I had to learn the hard way, do nothing because that way the story won't get twisted, won't involve you nor would it get ugly when it involves multiple of persons going back and forth and cause problems.

My motto is to say nothing or do nothing it always come out in the wash.

We gained a precious angel...

My heart aches I don't know if I'll ever bounce back from this one. I watched the unspeakable happen to someone I love. I just felt helpless, angry, hurt, disappointed and sick all ball into one.

 I felt helpless because it was nothing I could do but comfort my baby and angry because I didn't believe it was happening it felt like a dream.

 I was hurt because what started out to be a blessing end to soon. I'm disappointed because I need somebody to blame. I'm sick to my soul because I never got to know her as our own.

 Memories is all we have left and a question mark of what could have,would have or what should have happened.

Father God please take care our little angel.  We will always have a place for her in our heart.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Wish For Christmas..

Christmas only comes one a year and soon it will be a new year.  I use to look forward to Christmas in the past but now is doesn't seem joyful.  I know it all about Christ when he was born and being in the spirit of giving.   I  may be in a lot of pain, but I just try to find strength in my gee-babies their not here yet but I love them to life with all my heart.

I can't wait to welcome them in the world. The world we live in is such a mess right now so I pray when they grow up that God shine down and have mercy upon this earth.  I pray 2015 is a better year for me, I pray that God shines blessings on me and my family.

My wish for Christmas is to enjoy my family presents that's enough for me.

Friday, December 19, 2014

God will come right on time..

Its 4 am and still up and in pain my back is hurting among my other joint and nerve pain.  Sometimes the mind is a funny thing it allows you to keep covered what you are feeling.  There are things that are uncontrollable when you are ill for a long period of time.

I've learned and still learning how to deal with my illnesses.  It's scary not know when it will go in the other direction. (remission) Only God knows because I need a healing.

He might not come when you want him but he right on time.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Still not able...

I  haven't blogged in a minute I'm still not able to sleep at night. I'm up still between 4-5 am in the morning still in pain constantly with the pain pills I can kind of tolerate the pain.

My Neurologist changed my medication from Gabapentin to Lyrica 50mg. I will let you know how they work because I need relief in my foot and legs for  my (Diabetic Neuropathy).

 I fear soon I won't be able to go to the Drs. that I've came to form a bond with. I say this because due to my Insurance will end come January 1,  I haven't worked since January 29, 2014 and still unable to work.  It's sad that the Obama care doesn't extend to those that's ill and can't work. 

But I'm still hopeful that something will work out sooner or later because I'm going to need a team of Drs.  I can say one thing since I started on the Lyrica I've been dizzy and when I first started taking it I didn't feel good been on the med for a week or so and that's the only side effect I've have so far but will let you know if there's anymore.

 I'm feeling a little depressed because I don't have means to do the things I want and need to do especially because it's the holidays I can only live one day at a time, however I do have my moments when I'm very sad but I try not to let it show.  I thank God for my Lil sissy she brought gifts for Christmas for my girls I thank her from the bottom of my heart, because she didn't have to do it.

 I'm going to be a grandma next year just thinking about my gee-babies that's what keep me going.

Monday, December 8, 2014

So call...

It's sad when the people you call family is so shade.  I think it was so wrong for my sister mine you my oldest sister to call me to tell my youngest daughter Happy Birthday by voice mail. It doesn't go any lower than that, you have to think you should be calling me or texting asking for her phone number.  I don't like mess but this was very messy. I've written how I feel now I'm over it. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Support Walk to End Lupus

Event Logo

Jacksonville events is coming in March on the 29th. My family and I will be supporting the event. Its time for a change and the only way is by us as people to do them.

Find more information by clicking link below.

Click I Support

Thanks in advance

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Where is the unity in family?

When you put your trust in someone  or people you believe their word is their bond. Is anything sacred anymore. Life as I see it is to short.

When you talk against your family in a joking manner and it blowed out of proportion.  There are repercussions and angry heart that doesn't stop and think that we are family let's just talk it out and be civil.

Where's the unity in family, how do you mend a family back together again?

God so love the world, so we as family should love each other with no limits. It's sad when family say the only time you will see me is at your funeral what kind of mess is that?  I tell you people should watch what they say the tongue is very sharp.  I repent and ask God for forgiveness as much as I can.

I've learned to keep whatever or it  to myself because if you tell or talk about it in confidence it leaks to others intentionally or unintentionally. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Holiday Spirit

If there's a spirit for this year holidays just not feeling it yet I don't know if it has something to do with my illness or just not in the mood. For one thing this year went by so quick, to quick for me.

The bad part about it it I use to love Thanksgiving and Christmas they were very important holidays. I guess its because my illness has taken over my whole year.

Have you ever prayed to be in a place you once was and it was place you were satisfied in it?  Well that me but I can't go back only forward.

I can admit most day I'm in a lot of joint pain and Neuropathy pain but I try to make the best of it and keep it moving.  Because it I stop my movement will not be good at all. Even with all my pain add muscle spasms that gets the best of me.

Taking a lot of meds for my illness, I tell you sometimes I don't feel like taking but if I chose not to I would feel a lot worse.

Praying for brighter Days!!!!!!!!#

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking and So grateful

I'm up 12:10 am Can't sleep visiting with my sisters having nice time away from home it's so peaceful right now sitting on the balcony the air feels so crisp and calm with my view over looking the lake.  It seem like the lights that surrounds the villa is in all the right places to reflect off the lake. This is just what I need to calm my build up tension.

My pain is something else it's still hunts my body but I pray that God gives me relief in his own time.  I'm just enjoying every moment with my sisters because we don't get together often because of our own families.  I'm so proud to soon to be a grandma(gee-jan) I've long for this opportunity for so long words cannot express how I'm feeling thus far.

I find myself in deep thought wondering how my babies look, praying to God to keep them safe especially in this cruel world, is everything going to be perfect when they arrive and most of all God just make sure they are healthy.

 I love this babies more than I love myself

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An Open Letter To Those Without Sjogren’s Syndrome..

An Open Letter To Those Without Sjogren’s Syndrome..

What I would like you to know is that I have a mostly invisible, chronic illness called Sjogren’s Syndrome. Life as I know it, is unpredictable and changes daily for me. Just because you cannot see those changes or their impact on my daily functioning, does not mean that they are not real.

Most people have never heard of Sjogren’s Syndrome. And for the small number who have, they mistakenly believe that it is only a simple and benign case of dry eyes and dry mouth. In the spirit of informing those who wish to understand…

Please understand that I have limitations. My energy, emotional and pain levels are constantly fluctuating. What you may see when you look at me may look like laziness, indifference or depression. If you visit, I may seem uninterested or distracted while in conversation. I may not have the ability to spend time with you in the same way that we used to. I may have to decline your invitation(s); cancel at the last moment or shorten the length of time I spend at an event.

Please understand the difference between “happy” and “healthy”. When you have the flu, you are temporarily miserable, but I have been sick every day for years. I can’t, nor do I want to be miserable all of the time, in fact I work hard at not being miserable. So if you’re talking to me and I sound happy, it means that I’m happy. That’s all. I may be tired, in pain or sicker than ever. Please don’t say, “Oh, you’re sounding better!” I am not sounding better, I am sounding happy. If you want to comment on that, you are welcome to and I will be happy that you noticed.

Please understand the constant emotional toll that chronic illness has on me. I worry about everything. I worry about whether I can continue working or what happens if I can’t. I worry that my progressive medical issues could force me to apply for disability, something that I never want to have to do. I worry about the mounting medical bills. I worry about the battles with my insurance company for medicines or procedures that I need but that may not be covered or have already been denied. I worry about my relationships and the impact that my illness has had or continues to have on them. I worry about how I am perceived by others and whether there’s a chance that I am crazy. I worry about being a good wife, mother, daughter, friend,  and any of the other roles that I have.

Please understand that your well-intended comments like, “But you don’t look sick” are difficult for me to hear. I recognize that your intent was probably to reference the fact that my physical appearance might not indicate that I am ill. The message I receive however, feels like that unless that I “look” sick, that I am not believed. Nor do you have any comprehension of how very hard daily life with a chronic illness is. In essence, it feels as if you have just told me that because I don’t look sick, that I must not be ‘that’ sick.

Please understand that I appreciate your well-meaning advice when you tell me that getting out and doing things will make me feel better. But there is a strong likelihood that it will not, or may cause a flare that will take days or weeks for me to come out of. Please know that if my long-term medicine(s) cannot alleviate my incredible amount of fatigue, that acting on your suggestion of taking a walk or bike ride will not either. But please know that I would like nothing more than to feel up to joining you for those kinds of exercises or outings.

Please understand that if I say I need to sit/lie down; take my pills now that I really need to do it now – it can’t be put off or forgotten just because I am doing something else more exciting. Illnesses and disabilities do not forgive their victims easily.

Please understand if you are tempted to suggest a cure to me, please don’t. It is not because I don’t appreciate the thought; and it’s not because I don’t want to get well. It is because there is a strong tendency for many well-meaning family, friends and co-workers to all do this. Supplements; diets or unproven treatments could prove to be very detrimental to me and my autoimmune condition, other medical condition(s) I may have or the medications that I am currently taking. I routinely deal with many Specialists and communicate regularly with other Sjogren’s Syndrome Patients – if there were strong, proven and widely accepted new treatments (beyond the medicines that I am currently taking), we would all know about it.

Please understand that getting better from a chronic illness can be very slow. And getting better from an invisible and disabling autoimmune illness might not happen at all. People with Sjogren’s often have a lot of systemic involvement of various organs. Our systems are very often in a state of progressive decline. It may take us a long time to sort out all of our medical diagnosis(es) and a medical treatment regimen that works…if we do at all.

Please understand that you are important to me. I want nothing more than to be that healthy, spirited person that I once was and that you remember. But I am no longer that same person. My new normal changes from day to day depending upon what my symptoms dictate.

Please understand that I may sometimes need your physical assistance and/or your emotional support. But most importantly, I always need your understanding.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Up All Night

It's 2:45 am and I'm still up can't sleep.
I'm still in pain it seems like I have new pain in my shoulder, arm and knee.

My Dr. Increased my Gabapentin 800mg ×3 I don't think it's working only makes me drowsy but I can't sleep. I finally got my pain meds from the pharmacy.  I'm trying to keep positive still a little depressed taken Venlafaxine ER 37.5mg once a day I can say it helping a little.

If I can keep my focus on my grand babies I think I can pull up enough to breathe.  I'm so excited to be a gee-jan
Grand mom I've long go this for so long.

It's truly a blessing from God that both of my babies are having babies. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Painful Days

  Today was a painful day. My body hurts really bad my feet and legs just won't cooperate today.  They burn, my feet and legs throb with this sharp pain and I can barley walk. To add to what's already going on joint pain in my hands and shoulder not a good feeling. I finally got my pain pills after a month of being given the run around.  Soaking my feet with my foot spa plus that my daughter bought the water feels pretty good. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today is a So/So Day!!

I'm up at 12:10 am thinking today was a so/so day I'm a little pain. I started having this intense headaches that just won't stop the Dr. put me on a headache meds which I is still at the pharmacy because I can't afford it now that's sad for me. I'm depressed most days due to pain and now I'm having trouble breathing back to the oxygen it helps my chest I guess it calms it down Still unable to get pain meds all pharmacies are still out that's so crazy to me. I try to put on a happy face but deep down I'm sad and depress feeling I can't control. I have my finger wrapped with a ace band that I cut so my finger won't bend due to the pain. Funny thing my other fingers hurt as well just can't find a finger brace. I just pray and go on I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me so I dealing with the pain. My grandma use to say thank you for the pain and I second that.......

Friday, October 17, 2014


I'm so angry because every pharmacy is out of my pain medicine. What I don't understand how could every pharmacy be out when I'm in desperate need of it. I'm in so much pain and I don't think I'm the only one in need and can't get it filled. As September 6, 2014 Federal Regulations made a lot of changes for Hydrocodone it went from a class 3 to a class 2 making it hard to obtain. So I'll just play the waiting game and pray that God fix this mess that somebody created. My depression has sunk deeper than it already was not knowing when I'll get relief. To God be the Glory I'll keep praying can't stop won't stop!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fro Fog

I found out different things that I didn't know that's help me understand why: From my Sjogren group memory loss is from fro fog. Didn't understand why I would mean something and say something else or forget things oh it would be in my head but I just couldn't say it. I would say to myself what's wrong with you or I feel stupid.  My daughter would say mom that's not right you mean this or that. Its related to Fibro myalgia and you get when you become stressed. Well I'm stressed all the time stressed, stretched you name it. Now I know because I thought I was losing my mind at times, your sanity is a terrible thing to lose.  When my daughter takes me to the Dr. and he or she looks at and ask about my problems sometime I don't have a clue and I feel real stupid because I have to make me brain think or wake it up. My solution now is to try to write it down before I forget.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Another case of family don't understand your struggle. They call you everyday or every other week to see how you are feeling than they say you sound better but their reality of it is they don't know how you are really feeling or they doknow and they just love saying you sound better.

This lupus group I've been interacting with say family will never undrstand what we go through. It just burns me up the pain every day.  Pain is not my friend without pain pills you might as well stick a fork in me because I would be done.

I'm so depress it takes a lot to just hold my  my head up and keep going.  I'm so tired today is a rest day but I'm so drowsy all day and night ever since my Rheumatalagist  increased my medicine called Gabapentin from 300×3 to 300×4 and I believe its raising my blood sugar too.

The only girl's that know my pain are my daughters they don't judge me by my voice
They can look at me and right off the bat
They would say mom  what's wrong you don't feel good are you hurting what hurts
They are more understanding to my pain.
Love thoughs girls to life.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Support groups are very helpful

I found out some interesting things today.
You can have more than one autoimmune disease. In my case I've had lupus for 24 yrs but was diagnosed with sjogrens
disease about 4wks ago.  I was told its Mixed Collagen Vascular Disorder.
Collagen is a tough, fiber-like protein that makes up about a third of body protein. It is part the structure of tendons, bones and connective tissues.
Collagen Vascular disease occurs when problems with the immune system affect collagen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I've blogged in a minute.  I have some what good and bad days.  Its 2:28am and I'm up feeling some type of way.  I'm glad my Dr. Is weening me off the Prednisone that makes me so happy maybe my sugar levels will remain good and come off the insulin as well.  He took me off two but add two more Gabapentin for my joints and Allopurinol for the gout my uric acid is high.  Gout does run in my family but never, thought I would join the number. These medications have so many side effects. Dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, worsening joint pain, loss of appetite, muscle pain, tightness in the chest, life-threathening allergic reaction, swollen glands or lymph nodes, weight gain, swelling of the lip or tongue, servere tiredness or weakness, chills just to name a few.  I hurting on my left side it feels like apain I had before throbbing and a sharpe pain. That hurted worse to lay on it. 

Today is my Birthday!!!!

Today was a great day. I didn't do anything  out of the norm just relaxed in my own atmosphere and that was enough for me.  The love that I felt the most was from family and friends that didn't forget it was my birthday.  I WAS OVERWHELMED WITH LOVE and that's all that mattered today. It was one if those things better than gifts or cake and ice cream.  Sometimes the gift of love out weighs everything. When you have been sick as I have love means a lot.
August 19TH

Monday, July 21, 2014

Blood will bleed you!!!!!

Real talk I don't want to be judged on what I'm doing and how I conduct my life its sad when you're being talked about by the people you thought loved and cared for you. God said vengeance is mine with that being said I'm definitely leaving it in Gods hands.  To God be the Glory.

In the midst God keep me

Just thinking back on my flare 20 plus years ago the difference between now and than years ago my girls were very small I had to take care of them in the midst of a lupus flare it was nobody but God that kept me, remembering there was no other help.  Now those girls are all grown up I don't know how I would manage without there love and support. My heart goes out to anyone thats sick due to illness and those that have no family to care for them. My illness just open my eyes wide life is to short.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

You cant depend on everybody

I've always thought that family is the ones' you can depend on in the time of sickness, financial problems, emotional distress but that's not the case.  They will integrate you, bully you and make you feel like crap because you're sick.  They will eventually forget about you in time.  I've learned not to get mad at them because everybody have there own family but don't assume everything peachy because you haven't  check on your love one.  Its not fair to ridicule you for answers that were told already.  Sometimes I feel like I've committed the crime by that getting sick.
I have it hard enough trying to get by day by day.  I'm the one going through it, I'm the one that's life will never be the same but do they understand that. If God called me home to glory would they shed a tear would they cry or would they fall out in disbelief  because they didn't do all they could or blame themselves for not doing more.  I have much love for my family and I know in my heart they don't owe me anything.  All I ask is for love and support from my family.  Its sad when they hear or you say something they don't won't to hear and than they go into hidding those are to ones that you don't hear from foe many moons.  I love my family I know their iintentions are great.

Friday, July 11, 2014

What I go through on a day to day

My Dr. Has increased my insulin that means I stick myself 5 times a day and that's not including my sugar checks.  Sometimes I just want to give up and just throw my hands up.  Not only that medicine as well you just get tired.  I now have a health coach and now I have to eat every 3 hours not so cool that mean I have to been in place to take my insulin and eat on time every single day. All I can say is Lord help me!!!!!!

Another Sleepiness Night

Lately I haven't been able to sleep at night.   Nothing is really on my mind.  I haven't been feeling well past couple days.  My back and under the arm has been really hurting.  My chest hurts when I breathe in trying not to depend on the oxygen to much.  Its the rainy days that get me in joint ache pain.  I pray everyday that God take away my aches and pain.  I also thank God I'm not where I was 5months ago not a good place. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Mother's Love

I am so grateful to have raised two beautiful girls.  If anyone ask me would your kids take care of you in your time of need.  I would have to say yes loving kids, kids that express nothing but love for their mom well being.

I do not want to be a burden to anyone.  And not being able to work has put a strain on everything in my life.  I pray everyday and I believe God will bring me out of my sickness in his own time.  Its like taking my burdens to the Lord and leaving them there.  I need to have more patience!!!!!!!!!!!
Being sick puts tou in a depressing state you put on this happy face on the outside but on the inside you feel trapped like you're under water and there's nothing you can do. It true you can't control how you feel.  I wish more than anything that God heal my body and thing were back to normal.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just Thinking

Just thanking God right now for his many blessings that he has stored upon me.  I'm not feeling good today I've had a headache for several days feel a cold coming on and my body aches.  I'm not claiming any of it just putting all in God hands.

I can't remember the last time I cried but I do know God heard my last cry as well as all my break downs.  God knows what I'm standing in the need of always. He supply all my needs. I'm getting watered eyes right now thinking about my grandma (Mont) oh how I miss her she was my rock.

# janesebaconpresents 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just cant sleep

I have a long journey a head of me. Every time I think about it the road is hard.  My faith is strong, God knows all my troubles. Sometimes I feel that it not enough time in a day to do the things my brain has set up to do.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Frustrated at times

I get angry sometimes when things just don't go my way. I pray that God give me a rejuvenated body yeah I know that highly likely it was only a thought.  My health is not a options anymore it mean a great deal to survive.  The things I go though on a daily bases to make it through the day.  On oxygen constant need it to help me breathe. Before breakfast sugar check insulin on until lunch and dinner time.  Feeling down today but optimistic! !!!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 4 and still in the hospital

Laying in the bed just in a dazes not knowing what's really going on with my condition.  Every Specialist is saying something totally different from the other.  Today its Pluresy they say related to my Lupus flare up which causes hard to breathe makes it very painful. #JaneseBaconPresents

Today feels like a pretty good day!!

I am sooo ready to go home right now  6 days are to many. Lungs are clear as well as my chest. The pain is still there but tolerable.  Thank God for family they have visited often. Praying that God give my oldest daughter strength for sticking by me each and every time my illness flares up.  She will not complain nor will she make excuses and that's what I love about her the most.  She just say Mom I'm here for you. I'm having a moment right now.  I don't know why my Lupus is taking a front seat all of a sudden, I just embrace it as my test because my faith is strong.

Monday, May 26, 2014


This time I was just tired just tired didn't want to go back to the hospital.  I couldn't hardly breathe and it hurted bad to inhale Also pain on my left side where there's fluid on my left side. My daughter tried to get me to go the weekend but you're hard headed when you think you can heal yourself and that me all the way.  Nexy day I got a call from lil sissy to go to the hospital please go for her so I did just that For her she said if anything happen to me she would act real crazy so that was definitely time to go.  Surly they admitted me into the hospital.   Not feeling my best bit a little better I'm on a IV steroids that has my sugar well over 400 but need the steroids to open my passages to breathe.   The worst thing of it all is I feel like a pin cushion stick, stick,stick everyday.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Early days

I was up early today. Early days are so tiresome for me. I'm on insulin now and my sugar levels are just up and down trying to get it under control. Another added problem that I dont need. Thanking God for life right now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Not feeling myself today

It feels like another cold coming on praying and hoping that I weather the storm.  This is definitely a tea day for me.


Monday, May 19, 2014


I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me.  I saw my baby today it felt like a breath of fresh air didn't know how much I missed her.  I love the fact that she remembered me. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Day of No Crying

Today was a good day I didn't cry or nor did I think about crying.  I didn't even think about smoking today that's a blessing for me. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Quit Cold Turkey

I feel like in being hunted by demons day by day. I stopped smoking but the feeling i sstill there I would by lying if I said in good when really I'm not. Quitting cold turkey is the craziest thing I ever heard, this is the hardest thing I ever had to do. I cant tell my family they just dont understand dont need them being sympathetic. I can hear them with my ears I just dont wont to respond as if what they said will help ease my mind. The saddest thing about all this is I'm craving so bad but I choose life.

# Janese Bacon Presents
# Her Story
# Her Journey
# Her Testimony 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why these cards?

My Emotions are very heavy most days . There are things that I'm a custom of doing myself. It just shatters my heart, because I am a very self sufficient person. Sometimes I rock myself to sleep crying to myself, because I am not or will never be in that happy place anymore. I feel like someone has dealt me some real bad cards. But my faith is always hopeful.

I Never Knew

I never knew that on your bed of affiction everything stops in your life. I didn't prepare myself for such a bad drop in my life. This illness stopped income, my mission and my life style