Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Holiday Spirit

If there's a spirit for this year holidays just not feeling it yet I don't know if it has something to do with my illness or just not in the mood. For one thing this year went by so quick, to quick for me.

The bad part about it it I use to love Thanksgiving and Christmas they were very important holidays. I guess its because my illness has taken over my whole year.

Have you ever prayed to be in a place you once was and it was place you were satisfied in it?  Well that me but I can't go back only forward.

I can admit most day I'm in a lot of joint pain and Neuropathy pain but I try to make the best of it and keep it moving.  Because it I stop my movement will not be good at all. Even with all my pain add muscle spasms that gets the best of me.

Taking a lot of meds for my illness, I tell you sometimes I don't feel like taking but if I chose not to I would feel a lot worse.

Praying for brighter Days!!!!!!!!#

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