Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I've blogged in a minute.  I have some what good and bad days.  Its 2:28am and I'm up feeling some type of way.  I'm glad my Dr. Is weening me off the Prednisone that makes me so happy maybe my sugar levels will remain good and come off the insulin as well.  He took me off two but add two more Gabapentin for my joints and Allopurinol for the gout my uric acid is high.  Gout does run in my family but never, thought I would join the number. These medications have so many side effects. Dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, worsening joint pain, loss of appetite, muscle pain, tightness in the chest, life-threathening allergic reaction, swollen glands or lymph nodes, weight gain, swelling of the lip or tongue, servere tiredness or weakness, chills just to name a few.  I hurting on my left side it feels like apain I had before throbbing and a sharpe pain. That hurted worse to lay on it. 

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