Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Mother's Love

I am so grateful to have raised two beautiful girls.  If anyone ask me would your kids take care of you in your time of need.  I would have to say yes loving kids, kids that express nothing but love for their mom well being.

I do not want to be a burden to anyone.  And not being able to work has put a strain on everything in my life.  I pray everyday and I believe God will bring me out of my sickness in his own time.  Its like taking my burdens to the Lord and leaving them there.  I need to have more patience!!!!!!!!!!!
Being sick puts tou in a depressing state you put on this happy face on the outside but on the inside you feel trapped like you're under water and there's nothing you can do. It true you can't control how you feel.  I wish more than anything that God heal my body and thing were back to normal.


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