Monday, December 29, 2014

Do Opinions Matter?

What's on my mind well do opinions matter?

Well everybody seem to have one for instance if your sick they either asking or telling you what you should do to make you better,  things you need to do to make your life better.   How can people throw stones without checking themselves first? I'm glad that I don't look for the approval of other to validate my life.  If they don't like me or what I stand for so what that's just life.

What do you do when people give their opinion about someone else in front of you that makes you feel uncomfortable?
Do you run and tell the people their talking about or tell other people and hope it get to the right person or just do nothing.  Well I had to learn the hard way, do nothing because that way the story won't get twisted, won't involve you nor would it get ugly when it involves multiple of persons going back and forth and cause problems.

My motto is to say nothing or do nothing it always come out in the wash.

We gained a precious angel...

My heart aches I don't know if I'll ever bounce back from this one. I watched the unspeakable happen to someone I love. I just felt helpless, angry, hurt, disappointed and sick all ball into one.

 I felt helpless because it was nothing I could do but comfort my baby and angry because I didn't believe it was happening it felt like a dream.

 I was hurt because what started out to be a blessing end to soon. I'm disappointed because I need somebody to blame. I'm sick to my soul because I never got to know her as our own.

 Memories is all we have left and a question mark of what could have,would have or what should have happened.

Father God please take care our little angel.  We will always have a place for her in our heart.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Wish For Christmas..

Christmas only comes one a year and soon it will be a new year.  I use to look forward to Christmas in the past but now is doesn't seem joyful.  I know it all about Christ when he was born and being in the spirit of giving.   I  may be in a lot of pain, but I just try to find strength in my gee-babies their not here yet but I love them to life with all my heart.

I can't wait to welcome them in the world. The world we live in is such a mess right now so I pray when they grow up that God shine down and have mercy upon this earth.  I pray 2015 is a better year for me, I pray that God shines blessings on me and my family.

My wish for Christmas is to enjoy my family presents that's enough for me.

Friday, December 19, 2014

God will come right on time..

Its 4 am and still up and in pain my back is hurting among my other joint and nerve pain.  Sometimes the mind is a funny thing it allows you to keep covered what you are feeling.  There are things that are uncontrollable when you are ill for a long period of time.

I've learned and still learning how to deal with my illnesses.  It's scary not know when it will go in the other direction. (remission) Only God knows because I need a healing.

He might not come when you want him but he right on time.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Still not able...

I  haven't blogged in a minute I'm still not able to sleep at night. I'm up still between 4-5 am in the morning still in pain constantly with the pain pills I can kind of tolerate the pain.

My Neurologist changed my medication from Gabapentin to Lyrica 50mg. I will let you know how they work because I need relief in my foot and legs for  my (Diabetic Neuropathy).

 I fear soon I won't be able to go to the Drs. that I've came to form a bond with. I say this because due to my Insurance will end come January 1,  I haven't worked since January 29, 2014 and still unable to work.  It's sad that the Obama care doesn't extend to those that's ill and can't work. 

But I'm still hopeful that something will work out sooner or later because I'm going to need a team of Drs.  I can say one thing since I started on the Lyrica I've been dizzy and when I first started taking it I didn't feel good been on the med for a week or so and that's the only side effect I've have so far but will let you know if there's anymore.

 I'm feeling a little depressed because I don't have means to do the things I want and need to do especially because it's the holidays I can only live one day at a time, however I do have my moments when I'm very sad but I try not to let it show.  I thank God for my Lil sissy she brought gifts for Christmas for my girls I thank her from the bottom of my heart, because she didn't have to do it.

 I'm going to be a grandma next year just thinking about my gee-babies that's what keep me going.

Monday, December 8, 2014

So call...

It's sad when the people you call family is so shade.  I think it was so wrong for my sister mine you my oldest sister to call me to tell my youngest daughter Happy Birthday by voice mail. It doesn't go any lower than that, you have to think you should be calling me or texting asking for her phone number.  I don't like mess but this was very messy. I've written how I feel now I'm over it. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Support Walk to End Lupus

Event Logo

Jacksonville events is coming in March on the 29th. My family and I will be supporting the event. Its time for a change and the only way is by us as people to do them.

Find more information by clicking link below.

Click I Support

Thanks in advance

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Where is the unity in family?

When you put your trust in someone  or people you believe their word is their bond. Is anything sacred anymore. Life as I see it is to short.

When you talk against your family in a joking manner and it blowed out of proportion.  There are repercussions and angry heart that doesn't stop and think that we are family let's just talk it out and be civil.

Where's the unity in family, how do you mend a family back together again?

God so love the world, so we as family should love each other with no limits. It's sad when family say the only time you will see me is at your funeral what kind of mess is that?  I tell you people should watch what they say the tongue is very sharp.  I repent and ask God for forgiveness as much as I can.

I've learned to keep whatever or it  to myself because if you tell or talk about it in confidence it leaks to others intentionally or unintentionally.