Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Mother's Love

I am so grateful to have raised two beautiful girls.  If anyone ask me would your kids take care of you in your time of need.  I would have to say yes loving kids, kids that express nothing but love for their mom well being.

I do not want to be a burden to anyone.  And not being able to work has put a strain on everything in my life.  I pray everyday and I believe God will bring me out of my sickness in his own time.  Its like taking my burdens to the Lord and leaving them there.  I need to have more patience!!!!!!!!!!!
Being sick puts tou in a depressing state you put on this happy face on the outside but on the inside you feel trapped like you're under water and there's nothing you can do. It true you can't control how you feel.  I wish more than anything that God heal my body and thing were back to normal.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just Thinking

Just thanking God right now for his many blessings that he has stored upon me.  I'm not feeling good today I've had a headache for several days feel a cold coming on and my body aches.  I'm not claiming any of it just putting all in God hands.

I can't remember the last time I cried but I do know God heard my last cry as well as all my break downs.  God knows what I'm standing in the need of always. He supply all my needs. I'm getting watered eyes right now thinking about my grandma (Mont) oh how I miss her she was my rock.

# janesebaconpresents 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just cant sleep

I have a long journey a head of me. Every time I think about it the road is hard.  My faith is strong, God knows all my troubles. Sometimes I feel that it not enough time in a day to do the things my brain has set up to do.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Frustrated at times

I get angry sometimes when things just don't go my way. I pray that God give me a rejuvenated body yeah I know that highly likely it was only a thought.  My health is not a options anymore it mean a great deal to survive.  The things I go though on a daily bases to make it through the day.  On oxygen constant need it to help me breathe. Before breakfast sugar check insulin on until lunch and dinner time.  Feeling down today but optimistic! !!!!!