Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thank God for Family

I want to talk about one of my babies,  I'm just thrilled that she given birth to my gee-baby.  Sometimes I don't say it enough that I love her to life and I would give my life for hers. She's my ride or die chick and every now and then we bump heads but we always bounce back. When I first got sick she was there every since day one and she's still by my side.  Many times I pray to God that what would I do without my girls.  I hurt every day and that it self it can be depressing.  My days are sad at times but I try to make the best of it.  My gee- baby keeps me going these days.  I've started going to physical therapy it's not one of my best thing to do I'm still hurting when I return home.
My daughter takes me on all my appointments and I love her even more because there are people that don't have any family support. Thank God for family.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Watching my favorite show The Real to day and hearing Tamara Braxton give her testimony on being in a abusive relationship years ago and she knew she wasn't raised that way, she went on to say she didn't know herself to know and it torn her down being emotional and physically now that's deep. Meaning that she made it she got out of a bad situation and the bad part about it was she didn't tell her family.

 Her story hit very close to home.  I have a testimony of abuse many years ago young and dumb I would say we dated for three years and I saw no dominating tendencies, but once we got married he did a 360 turn around he wanted to control me. Accusing me of things that wasn't true, he even went as far to say that he would kill me if I left him now that's scary even for me to believe that he would carry out that threat.

I developed high blood pressure with this man trying to take care of my baby and work and have to go home not knowing what would happen I to was emotionally and physically abused and I didn't tell my family what was going on at one point I loved this man and who replaced him with Mr. Hyde.

One day I said to myself that I had enough, I called my mom and said mom I don't won't to be married anymore I knew if I didn't get out my daughter won't have a mother or I would have hated him in a way to kill him in his sleep or did something that I could come back from.

It's a very dark place to be in, when a I decided to get out its felt like a very dark cloud was lifted.  I walked away from turmoil and never looked back.  I got out so happy I made to right choice.  This mean is your in the situation you to have the courage to to get out.  You can't let control what God have you that so precious. You can never let a man belittle your spirit physically nor emotionally take back your strength.

God is with you just like he was with me in my decision.  No one never said love was abuse.  Love yourself first and the rest will follow.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Devil Prey On The Weak..

It's so sad when there's is sickness in the family or dying family member or even death it sad when a family can be so divided.  It's a time when all should come together but in most times that's not the case. It's important that everyone keep and open mind bereavement is the time of sorrow and sickness, dying means everyone involve needs comforting in that time of need.

The chain must stay strong even in time of family termoil. The devil prey on the weak and family that's divided in fact the devil loves this kind of reaction.  I always believe misery loves company.  Families should hold each other down in other words have each other back.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Your Invited!!!

 Let's make a difference in the lives of hurting patience who suffer from Lupus everyday with no cure.

Lets stop complaining and let's get involve and participate.

Click the link below for more information on how to donate Or to join us in the walk

Thank you may God bless you in advance

Team Janese

Thursday, January 1, 2015

When you lose a child how long?

I love my kids. They bring me so much joy.

What I didn't know is Drs. can go in and sew the cervix tightly when you're pregnant so if your water breaks it tightly sew for women with weak cervix.

Things you find out after the fact.  My heart goes out to my baby girl,she's in a lot of pain. When you lose a child how long do you grieve, how long is the process?  Do you really get over it?

When thing go wrong who do you blame?

Who do you really point your finger at?    I know God doesn't make mistakes and I'm not questioning his authority there's just so many scenarios.

Of what could have happened.  This loss doesn't help my pain I need closure.  I kept having all these thoughts in my head that won't leave until I have answers. Today was a bad day my body ache all over and my back hurts pretty bad. My feet and legs is another story.

It's now January 1, 2015 a new year praying to God that my family prosper with the help of the Lord in every way.

God said ask and you shall receive so I'm asking God the watch over his children in 2015, asking that we gain unreasonable love for each other.

Also give us favor emotionally,physically and psychologically and keep us balanced in Jesus name.